Donate Breast Milk

 Become a donor at San Jose Mothers’ Milk Bank

1. Are you a lactating mom?

2. Do you have frozen breast milk that you wish to donate?

Click here to learn about breast milk donation.

The Mothers Milk Bank (MMB) 501C(3) of San Jose, is a pioneer in:

social justice as a women's/children's advocacy organization helping to provide all babies with human breast milk, breast feeding mothers, and those in need of human milk. MMB SJ services 63% of all hospital NICU in California. We have been on the front lines of equity and access to breast milk for over forty years. We are FDA approved, safe and have a proven history of helping the most vulnerable babies grow.

What we do for babies+mothers/NICU’s/Infant Units:

  • Have a 24-hour turnaround in safely screening donors to get milk to infants

  • Have a record of 24 hours Hospital grade/appropriate FDA approved milk for your use in hospitals and for families

  • Bring 40 years as a leader/gold standard in feeding infants to health and best weights.